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KEPRO Esthetic & Antiage Clinic


Emotional detox.

Stop stress


When it comes to health, we immediately remember when we had a cold last time and hardly think about when we were sad, nervous or happy.


With physical health, everything is extremely clear - our body needs daily care and timely visits to the doctor. But how about emotional health? Are we aware of how detrimental stress and negative emotions can affect our health and youth?


As part of the global project UPgrade EQ, our clinic is training - anti-stress "Emotional Detox".


In just 2 days, you will be free from emotional intoxication and will gain the skill of using an emotional resource.


In the training program:


 -   Diagnosis of emotional health:

      -   definition of stress blocks in the body and their psychosomatic effects;

      -   drawing up an individual card of psycho emotional health.

 -   Massage-anti-stress - relieves emotional and mental stress, removes stress-blocks in the body.

 -   Impulse yoga is a method of quick relaxation of the body and soul.

 -   Catharsis yoga is a special complex of poses that releases emotional toxins.

 -   Breath-anti-stress - the secrets of proper breathing, which not only removes negative emotions, but also prolongs life.

 -   Technology "wholesale" purification from the influence of stressful situations and negative energy.

 -   Deep relaxation - effective methods of instant relaxation, recuperation and achieving inner peace.

Emotional detox
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